
Group of 注册ed Nursing students易世博是加州最古老的高等教育机构之一. 成立于1920年的萨利纳斯初级学院更名为易世博 1948年,哈特内尔社区学院区成立 一年. The college is intensely focused on the success of its 17,000 students, who 可以转学到四年制大学还是立即开始追求有价值的职业 in career and technical fields. “学生 First” is an ever-present mantra for faculty 和工作人员.

1936年,易世博搬进了目前占地54英亩的主校区的新楼 中环大道411号. 在萨利纳斯,学院不断发展壮大,以满足其不断变化的需求 district, which covers 2,300 Exterior view of Alisal校园square miles and serves 245,000 people. Thanks to the $167 million 测度T债券, 该地区选民在2016年以压倒性多数通过了该法案,哈特内尔现在有五个校区 地点-西萨利纳斯的主校区,东萨利纳斯的Alisal校区(如图), and full-service education centers in King City, Soledad and Castroville. 主要的 校园距离Alisal校区12分钟车程,距离Castroville校区15分钟车程 中心,30分钟到Soledad教育中心,50分钟到国王城 教育中心. An earlier $131 million bond measure, approved in 2002, paid for 学院68,000平方英尺的图书馆/学习资源中心于2006年完工, a 学生服务 building and a three-level parking structure.

在主校区,Measure T基金使其两个主要教室得以现代化 大楼,一个完全重新美化的中央广场,以及一个最先进的建筑 Center for Nursing and Health Sciences, scheduled to open in January 2021. 主要的 校园也是威拉德·勒瓦伦STEM中心的所在地,其中包括一个公共 planetarium; a Center for Performing Arts; and a Student Center, home to the Office of Student Life, as well as a Starbucks and other dining services; and extensive athletic facilities, including a fitness center.

Exterior view of Soledad 教育中心Measure T also financed a 12,500-square-foot expansion – completed in spring 2021 这使得最初开放的金城教育中心的规模扩大了一倍 in 2002. The center, completed in spring 2021. The new 16,750-square-foot Soledad 教育中心(如图)也于2021年春季完工,占地13600平方英尺 Castroville 教育中心 is scheduled to open in January 2022. 这三个中心 have wet and dry science labs, Panther Learning Lab tutoring centers, interactive and flexible classrooms and community rooms. 

哈特内尔服务于萨利纳斯山谷,这是一个约10英里宽的肥沃农业区 and 100 miles long, as well as part of southern San Benito County. 它吸引了大部分 每年招收17000名来自萨利纳斯和布拉德利社区的学生, Castroville, Chualar, Gonzales, Greenfield, Jolon, King City, Lockwood, Moss Landing, San Ardo, San Lucas and Soledad. 学生 also come from Monterey Peninsula communities 以及加州中部海岸的其他地方,以及其他州和国家的人. All are drawn Hartnell's academic excellence and focus on the success of students 在其四年的转学中,护理和技术课程以及值得骄傲的传统 in intercollegiate athletics, with 14 men’s and women’s teams.

Agriculture student holding head of lettuce in a field

易世博的学生群体非常多元化,其中56%的学生来自他们的家庭。 first generation to attend college. 易世博 45 percent of students are women and 55 的男性,其中西班牙裔占60% designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. In addition, 24 percent of students are white/non-Hispanic, 6 percent are Asian and 2 percent are African American. (6 percent of students did not report ethnicity).

该学院最近获得了两项主要的第五修正案拨款,以改善学生的入学机会 以及STEM学科中代表性不足的群体的成功,并受到了赞扬 美国国家航空航天局,全国有色人种协进会和加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 全国顶尖的社区学院在促进和实现其弱势群体的成功 students in the STEM disciplines. Hartnell has done this, in part, through outstanding 设施和密集的指导和实习项目与学术和研究 合作伙伴,如加州大学圣克鲁斯巴斯金工程学院,海军研究生 学校,你.S. Department of Agriculture, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and the University of California, Davis. Hartnell's Alisal校园 is home to a NASA 科学、工程、数学和航空航天学院(SEMAA) K-12实验室 students and their families, the only one on the West Coast.

Graduates celebrate after Commencement哈特内尔提供第一年和第二年的大学课程,基本技能课程 英语和数学,以及职场和职业培训,包括三年制学士学位 degree program in computer science and a 2+2 teacher-preparation pathway, both in 与加州州立大学合作,位于蒙特利湾,距离萨利纳斯仅15分钟路程. 学院授予文科副学士学位、理科副学士学位和证书 熟练程度,包括强大和成功的护理和相关健康计划, whose graduates become LVNs, RNs, EMTs and respiratory therapists. 几年来 运行中,哈特内尔的护理毕业生已经达到或接近NCLEX的通过率 100%.

哈特内尔最先进的图书馆/学习资源中心提供电子 databases and is the hub of information and learning technologies. 学院有 committed to ongoing technology enhancements, including virtualization and server 增强项目,将提高生产力和访问的学生和 员工,给他们的技术优势,大多数高校的学生 and personnel do not yet have.

哈特内尔充满活力的视觉和表演艺术项目包括一个戏剧艺术公司 它一直是最受尊敬的艺术机构之一 在中部海岸. Its programming is both traditional and experimental, including world premieres of works by contemporary Latino playwrights. Hartnell theatre arts 教师与Alisal美术中心合作,参与和鼓励区域 youth in their artistic pursuits. The College hosts a student-community orchestra 和合唱团,哈特内尔画廊定期举办绘画和雕塑展览 和摄影.

Female student listens in class白天,晚上和周末课程提供面对面和在线设置. Hartnell对其多样化的社区很敏感,并以修改后的格式提供课程 to meet the needs of students who work or have other outside commitments, such as 那些在常规学期之后开始的课程是以浓缩形式提供的. 学院提供全面的学术和其他支持服务来协助 学生的学习进度,以一站式学生服务的形式,可在网上, by phone and in-person. These include personal counseling, financial aid and scholarship 服务,国际学生服务,重返社会服务,退伍军人服务,体育 counseling, disabled students programs and services, assessment testing and career and transfer assistance. In addition, students are encouraged to become involved in the many clubs on campus and student government through the Associated 学生 of 易世博.




  • 露西尔塞拉诺
    Executive Assistant to the Supt/Pres and 校董会
    电话: (831) 755-6900
    建筑: 易世博 Main Campus
    办公室: Building E, Room 102
    中央大道411号, 萨利纳斯,加利福尼亚州93901


  • E - College Administration


    E - College Administration 建筑南